How To Apologize To Get Someone Back

Posted by takulaya1 | 3:46 AM

To get someone back when they've walked out on you, doesn't have to be difficult. It doesn't matter if they walked out a few days ago or a few months ago. The same principles still apply. All that needs to be done is for you to be determined and committed to your cause and you take the necessary action.

Your first action is going to be to figure out what went wrong and what was your role in what went wrong. This isn't about blaming for blames sake, it's about figuring out what you need to do to apologize and to make things right. Remember it takes two to make a relationship and two to break a relationship, so be honest with yourself and take your share of the blame.

The bottom line is that to get someone back, you're going to need an effective top draw apology. The apology must, in effect serve two ends: an explanation of why you're sorry and a further explanation of the plan you're going to implement so that the same wrong behavior never occurs again. Get these two planks right and your apology will work for you.

Explaining to your ex about why you're sorry for what has happened, means that you have taken the time to sit and figure out what your ex found so objectionable about your behavior. If you find it difficult to dispassionately figure this out, then you might need to go and talk to a professional about the specifics of your situation.

A professional can help you see things from the point of view of your ex and if you want to get someone back, this could be the key. What this doesn't mean is that you become a doormat for your ex and agree with whatever they say and whatever they object to. That is why it is good to have a professional third party look at the situation and give you their thoughts. If they believe your ex has a point about an aspect of your behavior, then they will tell you and go they may even go on and work with you to change that behavior.

The second part of your apology, as said, involves explaining to your ex how what happened will never happen again. This is when you present your ex with the plan that you have put in place to ensure no repeat of what happened. When your ex hears about your well thought out plan, as you attempt to get someone back, it will be in your favor. Your ex will see that you are serious and sincere in what you're saying. So if you are working with a professional, this is a great indicator to your ex that there is hope for a second chance.

Above all, be honest and sincere and your second chance with your ex will be far more likely.

When your marriage hits rocky waters you must firmly believe that you can save marriage in order to save the marriage. If you don't believe that as fact, then there is nothing you do that will make a blind bit of difference. So right now, believe that it is possible for you to save the marriage.

A common missing ingredient for marriages in trouble is a lack of intimacy. For a marriage to be happy there must be a level of intimacy that goes beyond the physical and wholeheartedly embraces the emotional. Ask yourself this, “does my marriage suffer from a lack of intimacy?”

Are you open and transparent with your spouse? Do you share and include or do you exclude and keep your emotions and emotional needs locked away and try and deal with things on your own? If you exclude your spouse emotionally, then your marriage lacks intimacy and it's time to inject some and get on the road to save marriage.

Make sure that you're making every attempt to share your problems and worries with your spouse. Too often people find themselves worried and preoccupied with a situation. Instead of sharing this situation with their spouse, they decide to try and deal with it on their own. This is a big mistake because it excludes your spouse when you should be including them.

Remember, spouses can very easily sense when something is wrong and if you exclude them, they quickly begin to feel shut out and redundant and that's when hurt can quickly find its way into a marriage.

Another way to inject intimacy into your marriage so that you can save marriage is to make time for your marriage. In this day and age when a thousand and one things can encroach on your time, not making time for your marriage is a surefire way for a marriage to hit trouble. It's no fun discovering that when you were busy carving out a career or focusing your time on attending to the kids, that your marriage just shriveled up and died.

Make sure that if you want to save marriage that you're actively making time for your spouse and your marriage. Once in a while take an impromptu afternoon off and have some fun with your spouse. When your spouse realizes that you value them to the extent of changing your schedule to include them, you will begin to see an improved difference in your marriage.

Creating and fostering intimacy in your marriage so that you can save marriage will take time and is an ongoing process. Don't ever make the mistake of allowing your marriage to be left set on auto-pilot. A healthy and intimate marriage is one that is attended to regularly, only then will it thrive.

Figuring out how to win your ex back using reverse psychology might sound complicated, but it really isn't. All it means is using some straightforward methods that are designed to get your ex to sit up and take notice of you instead of ignoring you.

Your first step towards how to win your ex back involves you determining to make no contact with them. That means no texting, no calling and definitely no trying to see them. This might seem counter-intuitive to your ultimate goal, but look at it this way: if you stop calling your ex, especially when they've made it clear that they don't want to be contacted, then you appear calm, mature and in control of yourself. Once your ex begins to see you this way you are immediately more appealing than the desperate person you were who was bombarding them with calls.

Furthermore, this simple reverse psychology means that once you have stopped trying to make contact with your ex, then immediately your ex begins to wonder just what you're up to. They start wondering why you're not pursuing them and just like that you're on your spouse's mind and you're in their thoughts, which is just where you want to be.

Your next psychological move when you're trying to figure out how to win your ex back is to get out and about and have some fun. This is going to be another tough undertaking, but it beats staying home night after night on your own struggling to stop yourself from contacting your ex and thinking about them. So force yourself out there and make some new friends or hook up with old friends.

You've stopped calling them and you're out and about enjoying yourself. Once word gets back to your ex, they'll be surprised at how well you're coping. They might even be jealous because it appears, you don't have time for your ex and it's basic human nature to want that which is scarce and that's exactly what you will become. Just like that, you've become someone who is desired and not someone to be avoided.

Taking the steps towards understanding how to win your ex back really means looking after yourself first and foremost. When you concentrate on your own requirements first and foremost, without obsessing about what your ex wants and what you should do to please them, then you inadvertently find yourself using these simple forms of reverse psychology without even realizing it. So you see, it is not a complicated process and you will find that your ex will respond to you in a more open and amenable way.

Having the one you love walk out on you is no fun and often your initial thought is “how do I get my ex back?” Truth is most people don't have much of clue what to do to get an ex back and they find themselves doing what won't work and what will only push their exs further and further away. Well today you can find the answers to your question, “how do I get my ex back?” without making all the same old mistakes that will result in failure.

Well first off running around town trying to see your ex and 'accidentally' bumping into them wherever you know they will be hanging out, will usually not work. So if that's what you're doing as you wonder “how do I get my ex back?” then it's time to change that now.

If the breakup has been a particularly rough one, then you're going to need to give both yourself and your ex some time to get over that before you even attempt to make a real move to make up with them and win them back.

Take yourself out of that breakup drama by distracting yourself and occupying yourself with other things. This might sound like you're actually avoiding the issue of the breakup, but you cannot make sound and rational decisions if you're still emotionally red raw from what was said or done by you or your ex in the heat of the moment.

You could take a class, take a trip or get fit! Anything that is going to take you out of just sitting home and fixating on your ex. Truthfully, doing the latter is a surefire way to make the wrong decisions and lose your ex for good.

As you're taking some time out from your ex, it is a good idea to think about what went wrong and what role you played in the break down of the relationship. This is not necessarily to attribute blame, but instead to figure out what you need to do to make sure that you know the answer to your question “how do I get my ex back?” Because as sure as eggs is eggs, if you sincerely want to find a way back with your ex, then you're going to have to come up with a reason for your ex to take you back and that means having a plan to change any 'bad' behavior that you exhibited to help cause the breakup.

It really is that simple, give yourself some time to sort out your thoughts, figure out your role in the breakup and then approach your ex.

Still in love with your ex? Looking around for break up

help? Well now you find yourself without the person you're

still in love with you either have to find help to move on

or help to win them back.

If you feel you should move on then the kind of break up

help you're going to need depends largely on how bad the

relationship and the end of the relationship was. If it

was a major drama that really and seriously took it out of

you emotionally, then without a doubt you're going to need

plenty of time to recover and get over the relationship.

Taking care of yourself is always key after any emotional

turmoil, but in this case where you've been tossed around

and you still feel that you love your ex, it is even more

key. Don't give yourself a hard time for any decisions you

made that you now feel in retrospect were wrong decisions.

You did the best you could with what you had, so relax and

allow yourself to be human.

Make sure that the break up help you need is to look after

you and not to look after your ex and what they might be

going through. You have left them behind and though you

still have strong feelings for them, they are no longer

your responsibility.

If you feel you need to talk to a professional to help you

put the whole relationship into perspective then you should

do this as soon as possible. In a situation where you're

still feeling vulnerable and emotional, the sooner you

regain your composure and any eroded self-esteem the


If the kind of break up help you're looking for is help to

get your ex back, then you need to do some of the things

outlined above, but then you also have to make sure you're

implementing a strategy to bring you full circle so you can

make up with your ex.

So follow what's already been outlined: taking care of

yourself first and foremost, talk to a professional if you

feel you have to and forget about your ex for a few weeks

while you recover self-esteem and direction.

Once you're through the initial re-grouping stage, you then

make contact with your ex. Ask for a meeting somewhere

neutral. When you meet your ex, calmly and without being

overly emotional explain that you still have feelings for

them. Explain that you've had time to think and you'd like

another chance to make your relationship work. Take the

time to listen to your ex and hear their point of view, you

don't necessarily have to agree with them, but you need to


You then give them time to think and leave to wait for them

to call you. Truth is it could go either way. Using this

break up help guarantees nothing. Just know this, you have

given it your best shot so there is no need to spend

endless hours beating yourself up.

How To Apologize To Get Someone Back

Posted by takulaya1 | 3:31 AM

To get someone back when they've walked out on you, doesn't have to be difficult. It doesn't matter if they walked out a few days ago or a few months ago. The same principles still apply. All that needs to be done is for you to be determined and committed to your cause and you take the necessary action.

Your first action is going to be to figure out what went wrong and what was your role in what went wrong. This isn't about blaming for blames sake, it's about figuring out what you need to do to apologize and to make things right. Remember it takes two to make a relationship and two to break a relationship, so be honest with yourself and take your share of the blame.

The bottom line is that to get someone back, you're going to need an effective top draw apology. The apology must, in effect serve two ends: an explanation of why you're sorry and a further explanation of the plan you're going to implement so that the same wrong behavior never occurs again. Get these two planks right and your apology will work for you.

Explaining to your ex about why you're sorry for what has happened, means that you have taken the time to sit and figure out what your ex found so objectionable about your behavior. If you find it difficult to dispassionately figure this out, then you might need to go and talk to a professional about the specifics of your situation.

A professional can help you see things from the point of view of your ex and if you want to get someone back, this could be the key. What this doesn't mean is that you become a doormat for your ex and agree with whatever they say and whatever they object to. That is why it is good to have a professional third party look at the situation and give you their thoughts. If they believe your ex has a point about an aspect of your behavior, then they will tell you and go they may even go on and work with you to change that behavior.

The second part of your apology, as said, involves explaining to your ex how what happened will never happen again. This is when you present your ex with the plan that you have put in place to ensure no repeat of what happened. When your ex hears about your well thought out plan, as you attempt to get someone back, it will be in your favor. Your ex will see that you are serious and sincere in what you're saying. So if you are working with a professional, this is a great indicator to your ex that there is hope for a second chance.

Above all, be honest and sincere and your second chance with your ex will be far more likely.

Understanding just how to get your ex boyfriend back can often be a hit and miss affair and it's no wonder, because as a rule we're not taught this stuff. We either have to make it up as we go along, or rely on our friends to help us out. But guess what? Our friends equally have no clue how to help us and they're also making it up as they go. But the reality is that it simply takes using a proven plan and then taking action on that plan, for you to win back your boyfriend.

Your first step should always be to distance yourself from your ex and this is an action to preserve your sanity as much as it to make a statement to your ex boyfriend. This step will stop you fixating on your ex and give you the space to concentrate on your own needs and requirements to help you get through this stressful time.

Make a serious attempt to reconnect with your family and friends and accept any help that will undoubtedly come from those who love and care about you. If you're serious about figuring out how to get your ex boyfriend back it would be a huge mistake on your part to isolate yourself. With people around you it means you're not sitting at home crying and obsessing about the breakup of your relationship or your ex boyfriend.

Now, as you're spending time with family and friends, find out from them what they saw as the downfall of the relationship. I'm sure your boyfriend would've told you what he thought as he walked out, and you no doubt have your own ideas on what went wrong and why. However, sometimes it takes the perspective of an outsider looking in to make sense of a relationship. So if you seriously want to figure out how to get your ex boyfriend back then ask others for their opinions.

Your next move is to make sure that given what you've heard back from family and friends regarding their take on the breakup, that you now think for yourself. You either agree or disagree with what's been said and of course you're doubtless going to get different opinions from them all. So take some time to weigh up what's been said and the final decision is yours. Yes you started out wanting to get your ex boyfriend back, but is it still what you want? Perhaps you've heard some 'truths' that now put that quest in doubt? Perhaps you've had time to come to terms with the breakup and you can more readily accept it? Whatever and wherever you are, be clear on what you want before you make the next move.

If you're still determined to go ahead and win him back, then your next move is to call him and to do so calmly and without emotion and drama and talk to him about the way you feel.

A Proven Plan To Win Back An Ex

Posted by takulaya1 | 3:28 AM

Once you've been dumped by an ex that you're still in love

with then your main goal is usually to find some way to win

back an ex who has broken your heart. What is usually the

case though is that most people don't have a clue where to

start and they either rush around sending expensive gifts

or making a ton of phone calls – all of which only serve to

push their exs further away.

Your opening move to win back an ex, should always be to

approach the mission in a calm and relaxed manner. Do

nothing that is going to make you appear as desperate and

needy because again, your ex will only find it a turn off.

To get yourself in a calm and rational place, you need to

take some time out from the heat and drama of the breakup.

Too often people don't take this time out and instead just

panic and believe they have to win back an ex by going

straight in hard from day one.

As you take this time, concentrate on the things that are

going to make you feel good about yourself and what you

need to keep your spirits up. So make sure that you're not

spending too much time on your own and that you're instead

out with friends and having some fun. Truly this is

possibly the last thing you want to do, but you'd be amazed

how much of a difference this one step can make to your

prospects of getting back with the one you love.

For the same reason looking after your body is key. When

you take the time to do some regular exercise and eat well,

you begin to feel focused, less confused and defeatist

about what you're going through. You don't have to join a

gym if that's not your thing. You simply need to find what

works for you and stick to it. It could be as simple as a

regular walk or joining a sports team or simply a regular

kick around with the kids. Anything that gets you up on

your feet and has the blood pumping.

Eating well is also part of this. Don't fall into the

obvious trap of over indulging where food and drink are

concerned. It might make you feel consoled initially but

eventually it will ruin any chance you might have to win

back an ex. So eat well and drink in moderation.

Connect all of these points and you have the beginnings of

proven plan to begin the job to win back an ex.

If you're looking around wondering “what can I do to save my marriage” then you're no doubt in a dire situation as your marriage has hit rocky ground.

Without a doubt there needs to be a period of reflection before you can launch into a plan to answer your search, “what can I do to save my marriage?” Failure to stop and think and map out a plan means that you might very well end up going down dead ends and around and around in circles. So reflect and get a plan.

If you haven't already done so, you should talk to your spouse. Find out what they think of the situation and if they believe there is anything worth saving of the marriage. With any luck you both agree that you both want to save your marriage and you decide to go forward together.

You are then faced with either trying to figure things out on your own, going for marriage counseling or searching online for one of the many ebooks that are available and that will answer your question “what can I do to save my marriage?”

If you opt for marriage counseling you should consider that this process can be long, expensive and you really have to be prepared to open yourself and your marriage up to an outside third party. Not only that, you have to be lucky enough to find a therapist who will gel with you and your spouse in order for the process to work really well.

You could both try to work things out between on your own and sometimes this can work really well. However, you should be aware that you do run the risk of making things worse because you might not be entirely sure what you're doing or how to go about it. Not only that, you and your spouse will naturally take your corners and hold onto positions that you have, whether they are right or they are wrong. It's human nature to protect yourself and that might not always be the right way for you to go forward to find ways “to save my marriage.”

The other alternative is to use one of the many ebooks that are online. This can really be a break through choice for a lot of couples because it usually involves going at your own pace, paying a one off fee and getting step by step practical guidance about how to really save the marriage.

Without a doubt it is always easier to have your spouse on side and the two of you rooting for the marriage, but choosing the right resource to save the union is also crucial!

Just how long or how quickly has it taken you to figure out

that you want to find out how to get your ex girlfriend

back? Some guys find out the minute their girlfriends walk

out on them that they want them back. Other guys don't

really find out until they're dating someone else only to

discover that 'something's missing' with the new girl. How

to get your ex girlfriend back under whatever time lapse,

involves the same steps. It can be quick and it can be

easy, if you follow some basic steps.

Keep yourself looking smart and fit. It's really easy when

you feel down and stressed to find yourself eating the

wrong foods and not taking care of yourself. You'd be

surprised how quick it is to pile on the pounds in a matter

of weeks of self-indulgence. So stop feeling sorry for

yourself and get down to the gym or over to the football

field with a few of the guys.

If you want to know how to get your ex girlfriend back then

after you've had a kick around with the guys, go shower and

change and get out on the town and enjoy yourself. It

won't necessarily do your chances of getting back with your

ex any harm if you casually date another girl. Remember,

you're not actually in a relationship with your ex, you

might want to be, but until that dream is an actual, you're

a free agent. But don't set out to hurt some other girl

just because you want to make your ex jealous or just

because you're thinking about yourself. Just make it clear

to the girl that you're just interested in some fun and

nothing more.

Get everything that happened in your past relationship into

perspective. There's no point fooling yourself about what

went wrong in the relationship. You need to come at this

situation with fresh and clear honesty if any

reconciliation is going to be effective and long lasting.

So if you have mistakes to own up to, if you're sure you

want to understand how to get your ex girlfriend back, make

sure that you accept your part in the break down of your


When you're feeling emotionally secure and you've thought

through the relationship and have a healthy perspective,

make contact with your ex and talk to her. You don't at

this point want to put any pressure on her. You simply

want to spend a couple of minutes on the phone with her

weighing up where she's at and whether you think she's in

an approachable mood. Depending on what you deduce, you

either ask for a second chance or you retreat and give it

more time.