These "10 romantic fun ways to get my ex back" can help you get back together and have a better relationship. But there's no guarantee any of these will work 100% of the time. You know your ex better than anyone else, so you know which tips might be more in line with their personality.

1. Send a bouquet. Whether it's flowers or a balloon bouquet, if you time this right this can help you make a real, romantic impression with your ex.

2. Send one of the cards that opens to a song or a line from a TV show or movie that really suits your ex. Whether it's for a birthday or a holiday, choose a funny, sweet or romantic card to make the day special.

3. Ask your ex on a date, but make it clear there's no pressure. You just want to spend some time together as friends. Choose a very low-pressure and fun place like the zoo, an arcade or one of those pizza parlors with the arcade games and singing characters that are aimed at kids.

4. Write a love letter. Writing a letter will let you express yourself in ways you might not be comfortable doing face to face. Tell your ex just how much you care and what they mean to you. But remember that everything you write down can be read by other people besides your ex.

5. Write a poem. Writing poetry to your ex is sort of like writing a love letter. It can be much more romantic if you say the right things. Don't underestimate the power of humor. You probably can't write like Shakespeare so don't even try. But make it sweet and funny and your ex should appreciate it.

6. Ask your ex to join you on a spa date. This works very well when your ex is a girl. Make appointments for you both to have your hair cut, your nails done and to get a massage or facial. Doing it together is a fun way to have time to talk and just relax.

7. Ask your ex out on a theme date. Eat spaghetti and watch The Lady and the Tramp. Eat hamburgers, fries and shakes and watch American graffiti. The point is to plan something fun and lighthearted.

8. Take your ex with you to an animal shelter and spend an afternoon walking the dogs and playing with the cats.

9. Go to an amusement park together. Ride the scariest rides and have your pictures taken with your faces sticking in the holes of those wooden cutouts that make you look goofy. Have fun without pressure on your ex about getting back together.

10. Re-create your first date. This is a good choice when things are going well and you feel like getting back together is within your grasp.

One of these "10 romantic fun ways to get my ex back" tips is sure to at least give you both a really good time together.

So you've broken up with the person you love and you want them back. But how can you be romantic with someone after you've broken up with them? That doesn't exactly provide you with opportunities for romance when you're not dating or seeing each other at all.

It can certainly be a challenge, but here are 5 ways to be romantic after a break up that can help you express your feelings. These ideas not only offer the opportunity for romance, but they'll make your ex feel special which is one of the most important things you can do when you want to get back together.

It's important to remember, however, that you need to respect your ex's wishes. If you're calling and stopping by and they want you to stop, you need to stop. But that doesn't mean you can't make a romantic gesture.

But your gesture will be better received if you don't do it immediately. Stop bothering your ex and begging them back. Give them some space without you. After some time has passed, then make one of these romantic gestures which will surprise them and remind them of you.

Tip one: send flowers. Don't do this immediately after you give your ex what they want by contacting them less. Wait a little while then send a bouquet of their favorite flowers and have them delivered. Don't have them delivered when they're at work or in front of many other people. Have them delivered at home instead.

And don't write wishes of getting back together or love on the card that's attached. Include a message that says something as simple as I hope you're doing well, or hope you're okay.

Tip two: focus on them. Wait a while and then call or stop by when it feels like it would be okay to do so. But don't talk about yourself or what you want. Ask if they need anything or if there's anything that you can help them with. Do this without the pressure of anything in return.

Tip three: do something very thoughtful. After some time has passed, send them a thoughtful card or gift that's obviously just for them. If they have exams coming up or a tough project at work, send a card of encouragement about it without mentioning yourself. For a birthday or any type of occasion, instead of the fancy gift, wash their car or give them something practical to show that you care.

Tip four: make a romantic gesture that doesn't necessarily include you. Surprise them with two tickets to a movie or play designed for them to take someone else. They might just ask you now that the pressure's off.

Tip five: give up something you know they want. Whether it was a CD or anything that belongs to you that you can replace, offer it to them in goodwill. These 5 ways to be romantic after a break up can help your efforts to get back together and make you both feel good.

These "10 romantic fun ways to get my ex back" can help you get back together and have a better relationship. But there's no guarantee any of these will work 100% of the time. You know your ex better than anyone else, so you know which tips might be more in line with their personality.

1. Send a bouquet. Whether it's flowers or a balloon bouquet, if you time this right this can help you make a real, romantic impression with your ex.

2. Send one of the cards that opens to a song or a line from a TV show or movie that really suits your ex. Whether it's for a birthday or a holiday, choose a funny, sweet or romantic card to make the day special.

3. Ask your ex on a date, but make it clear there's no pressure. You just want to spend some time together as friends. Choose a very low-pressure and fun place like the zoo, an arcade or one of those pizza parlors with the arcade games and singing characters that are aimed at kids.

4. Write a love letter. Writing a letter will let you express yourself in ways you might not be comfortable doing face to face. Tell your ex just how much you care and what they mean to you. But remember that everything you write down can be read by other people besides your ex.

5. Write a poem. Writing poetry to your ex is sort of like writing a love letter. It can be much more romantic if you say the right things. Don't underestimate the power of humor. You probably can't write like Shakespeare so don't even try. But make it sweet and funny and your ex should appreciate it.

6. Ask your ex to join you on a spa date. This works very well when your ex is a girl. Make appointments for you both to have your hair cut, your nails done and to get a massage or facial. Doing it together is a fun way to have time to talk and just relax.

7. Ask your ex out on a theme date. Eat spaghetti and watch The Lady and the Tramp. Eat hamburgers, fries and shakes and watch American graffiti. The point is to plan something fun and lighthearted.

8. Take your ex with you to an animal shelter and spend an afternoon walking the dogs and playing with the cats.

9. Go to an amusement park together. Ride the scariest rides and have your pictures taken with your faces sticking in the holes of those wooden cutouts that make you look goofy. Have fun without pressure on your ex about getting back together.

10. Re-create your first date. This is a good choice when things are going well and you feel like getting back together is within your grasp.

One of these "10 romantic fun ways to get my ex back" tips is sure to at least give you both a really good time together.

Tips On How To Get Your Ex Girl Back

Posted by takulaya1 | 8:28 AM

Be Yourself:

The first good tip that you should follow on how to get your ex girl back is to simply be yourself. If you really want to have a shot at getting your ex back, you need to become the person that the ex was attracted to in the first place. Too many people in this situation would be tempted to act macho or clingy, both of which are terrible things to do to an ex that has already expressed her desire to have space from you.

You need to act like your own honest self around your ex and make her see the great person that you are. Only when she truly realizes how much she misses having you around will you have a chance at getting her back.

Less Contact is Better:

Another good tip for you to follow is that less contact with your ex is better. This is actually another one of those tips that is counter intuitive for some people. A lot of people would be tempted to try and get into as many situations with their ex as possible in order to have the maximum exposure to them. This is something that is likely to push them out of your life for good.

Your ex broke up with you and that means that they voluntarily decided that they wanted space from you. Give them that space and respect their privacy. Be nice and yourself to them when you do get a chance to see them and maybe they’ll start to pick up the things that made them want you in the first place.

Move On Slowly:

Another thing that you can do is to move on slowly. This is not something that’ll help you like the other tips on how to get your ex girl back. What it’ll do for you however is start to put your mind back into healthy mode. Obsessing after an ex is generally not a good idea, especially if the ex is the one that ended the relationship.

Most of the time, they’re not coming back to you. If you move on slowly and start to realize that there are other fish in the sea, you will be much healthier mentally. That’ll translate into much more positive body language which in turn will be noticed by your ex the few times that you see them.

Don’t Blow Opportunities:

The thing about attempts to get your ex back is that you can undo weeks or even months of decent work with one stupid line uttered in the heat of the moment. If you do the things discussed above, your ex might start to take an interest in you again. If she does, make sure that you keep on doing those things.

Be yourself, be honest and above all else do not pester them. If you suddenly start to become needy and false, your ex will spot the change a mile away and you will destroy all the progress you’ve made.

Many girls want to know, “can me and my boyfriend get back together?” Well, part of the answer to that question depends on you and part depends on your ex boyfriend. This video will look at the things you can do to make it more likely that you and your boyfriend can get back together.

First of all, you need to demonstrate that you have learned from past mistakes. You should look at what didn’t work the first time around and see if you can improve on it. Did he complain that you spent too much time with your girl friends? Then, plan to spend more time with him if you get back together.

The next thing you need to do is remind him of all of the good things in your relationship. Who were you when you first got together? Has anything changed? For instance, when you got together were you a bubbly outgoing girl who had lots of things on your plate? Then, as you got more involved with him, did you drop a lot of your activities? Maybe he dropped you because you weren’t as engaging as you used to be.

Put your hurt feelings aside and look at how you can support your ex boyfriend. While he’s just a friend now, by being there to support him, maybe you can turn the relationship back into something more.

If his friends were critical of you, that may have been the reason behind the break up. Try to win his friends over as they have a great deal of influence on who he chooses to date.
One of the most powerful tools you have to get your ex boyfriend back is to reminisce about the good times you shared. As you put the positive memories in his mind, he will feel more like getting back together with you.

Go to the places you used to go together and do the activities you used to do together. Not only will this make it more likely that you will just “run in” to your ex boyfriend, you will also be developing the hobbies that he enjoys. Also, if there was a pastime that he encouraged you to take up while you were in the relationship, you might want to consider doing it now. It will signal to him that you have changed and have become even more interesting.

Always look your best. You never know when you might run into him. Guys are so much more visual that girls are. So, your appearance matters.

Be a positive person. Guys don’t like depressed, whining girls. Be positive and upbeat around all kinds of people – but especially your ex!

But, whatever you do, don’t be too obvious that you are trying to get your ex boyfriend back. The pressure will make him like you less, not more.

You will notice that the advice I’ve given you here will make you a more attractive girlfriend whether it is for your ex or for a new guy. That’s because improving yourself will always get you a boyfriend.

Stop My Divorce

Posted by takulaya1 | 8:25 AM

Divorces are at an all time high. Sometimes it seems that it’s easier to get a divorce than to get married.

People get hurt in divorce. The parties are forever scarred. Children, if there are any, never get over the hurt. Knowing this, you may be wondering “How do I stop my divorce?”
There are three steps to stopping a divorce.

The first thing that you have to realize is that saying you’ve changed does not mean you really have changed. If you are the person who is at fault in the relationship, it’s not enough to give lip service to the idea of change.

If you have been having affairs, for instance, it is going to take time for your partner to believe that you are no longer going back to your wandering ways. It is not enough to tell your partner that you’re not stepping out anymore.

You will have to take concrete actions. As an example, you may need to allow your partner to “monitor” your activities by checking in with him or her on a frequent basis. If your job requires you to travel, you may have to look for a new job that keeps you close to home.

Other things besides affairs can mess up a relationship. For instance, if the wife’s spending habits are causing money problems which weaken the marriage, she may have to commit to cutting up the credit cards and living on a cash allowance.

If the husband’s work habits keep him away from home too often, he may have to commit to being home by 6:30 every night no matter what. At the crux of this step is what is the most important thing in your life? If it is your marriage, you will make the necessary changes. But don’t just give lip service to them. Actions speak louder than words.

The next step is to avoid using emotional blackmail if you want to stop your divorce. Recognize that love is NOT enough to save your marriage. Telling your partner, “but I love you” in the heat of an argument will not win you any points.

When you say “I love you” at inappropriate times, your partner is forced to say “I love you, BUT…” this weakens the emotional tie that love has between you.

Use the powerful “I love you” message when your wounds are mended, not at the heat of an argument.

You can’t use logic or guilt to change your partner’s mind. Arguing like this will only involve a spiraling argument. If you feel you must win, then you will lose.

Finally, don’t think that you can win an argument. Some people like to use their superior logic or argumentative skills to “prove” they are right and their partner is wrong. This may work in a formally scored debate, but in a marriage (which is scored on emotions not facts) it’s sure to fail. Instead of arguing, solve the problem. If your spouse brings up a fault in you, discuss possible solutions rather than argue back.

Are you wondering how to “stop my divorce?” Start by following the “stop my divorce” advice I’ve laid out in this article.

If you are someone that is trying to find out how to get your ex girlfriend back, there is good news and bad news. Most people like the bad news first, so here goes. The bad news is that there is no sure fire method for getting your ex-lover back. The fact of the matter is that many exes are gone for good and at some point you might end up having to deal with that and move on.

That was the bad news. The good news is that if you are willing to control a lot of your more natural instincts, you could end up finding that your ex has started to become interested in you once again.

The first instinct that you need to control is the instinct to yell and scream at your ex every time that you see them around. This is a very natural instinct, especially if you were shocked by the breakup and feel betrayed by your ex-lover. However, it is an instinct that you need to curb right here and right now if you ever want a decent shot at getting her back again. The more civil you are to her, the more likely it is that she will become interested in you once again. So return her things that were at your place when you next see her and always be prepared to laugh and be merry around her. They might not seem like big things to you right now, but they could be the tipping point in the future.

The second instinct that you need to control is the instinct to decide right away how things are going to happen. Many people do not really care one way or the other whether their ex has a relationship far away from them or close to them so long as they know what the relationship will be right away. This is wrong.

You should let your post-romance relationship develop naturally. With some exes, your best position is being the person they see every now and then at parties. With some, you can eventually become a best friend and a confidant. Take it slow and let them decide which way things will go. Both of these positions can lead to successful re-ignition of a relationship, so keep that in mind when trying to curb this instinct.

Finally, the third instinct that you need to curb if you ever want to successfully find out how to get your ex girlfriend back is the instinct to force the issue. Many people will force the issue with their ex, forcing them to make a decision when they really are not ready for it. If you force the issue right away, obviously you’ll get a no from the ex.

After all, she just broke up with you! You don’t want to force the issue. Instead, you want to sit back and give them the space they need, pushing slowly later on after they have gotten over the feelings that made them dump you in the first place.

The bad news, when it comes to finding out how to get your ex to fall back in love, is that your ex really hates you right now because they’ve dumped you. Therefore, you are going to need to be very delicate about getting them back to the place they were at when they were in love with you.
However, the good news is that since you are trying to get your ex-lover to fall back in love with you, by definition they must have fallen in love with you the first time around. The good news from that is that since they have fallen in love with you once already, there is definitely a chance for them to be able to do it again.

But how do you get them to go from that theoretically realization to actually making it happen? That is not as easy. However, you need to fight the urge to yell and scream at them while pressuring them back into the relationship. This is how most people would react and it is definitely the bad way of doing things. Even if it ends up working in the end, you’ll be getting into an unhealthy relationship that likely won’t end well for you or your ex. If you really care about them, you shouldn’t want that for them.

One of primary things that you should do in order to get them back to the place where they were in love with you is show them the person that you were. Chances are good that you changed from the person they fell in love with to the person they dumped. You need to rediscover the person inside you that they fell in love with and show them that person whenever you see them around. This may seem a bit obvious, but it is definitely something that can work if you carry it through to its end. It is an obvious strategy, but one that is difficult to accomplish.

Pride and stubbornness are two things that will do you in when you are learning how to get your ex to fall back in love. If you cling to the old arguments, you are sunk before you begin. This is especially true if some of those arguments are the ones that led to the breakup in the first place. All of that needs to be put aside if you are serious about once again winning the affections of your ex.

Will this plan guarantee that you will be able to rediscover the love that your ex had for you? No it will not. But then again, there is no plan out there that can actually do this for you. What this plan will do is allow you the best chance of reconnecting with your ex. It will peel everything that your ex disliked about you when they dumped you away and reveal the person underneath that they fell in love with. There is no better plan for trying to win them back.

Many relationships run into problem areas. At some point, your relationship, no matter how good, will have issues. These issues can be easy to work on. Some relationships can have bigger issues, however. These issues are much more difficult too work around. If you are working on fixing a broken relationship, you need to be sure to be cautious. You want to make sure that you take all of the necessary steps to fix what has been broken.

Identify the Problem

The first tip that will help you to fix your broken relationship is to fully identify the problem. Both of the people in the relationship need to have a complete understanding of the state of the relationship. If there was a specific event that caused the issue, you both should understand how that happened. If it was a series of events, you need to clearly define the issues and what caused them.

Let Them Know How You Feel

The second tip to fix your broken relationship is to be honest and open about how you feel. A relationship can only work if there is strong communication. You need to be open about how you feel. Be careful with your woods, but do not sugar coat your feelings.

Do not hide any of your feelings. You need to let the other person, in the relationship, know your emotions. Be descriptive. Are you angry? Upset? Sad? Mad? Disappointed? The more descriptive you can be, the more your partner will understand you.

Pay Attention

You need to be sure to pay attention to how they feel as well. Communication goes both ways. Listen to how descriptive they are about their feelings. Ask penetrating and specific questions to better understand how they feel. By doing so you will grasp the root of the primary problem.

Small Gifts

Small gifts can be a perfect way to start to mend a broken relationship. While it will not fix everything, it will show that you care, and that you are thinking of them.

Small Dates

Going on small, inexpensive but fun dates can also be beneficial. Having fun together is the perfect way to start to mend broken hearts and a broken relationship.

You need to make sure that you both fully understand the issue at hand. IF you are working on fixing a broken relationship, you need to be on the same page. From this point, you need to let them know how you feel. Be open about how you feel about the situation, and what you think can help it. Be sure to pay attention to what they have to say as well.

When you are sure that you are both on the same wavelength, you need to pay attention to the small things. Small gifts and small dates, especially gifts and dates with more meaning, are a good way to start to mend the relationship. You need to remind yourselves why you are in the relationship. This will help you to fix your broken relationship.